Our Cause in the News

Globe and Mail May 18, 2024
The elite want their own racetrack in Alberta’s badlands. These local farmers are pushing back.
Globe and Mail article

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Calgary Herald, May 17, 2024
Opinion: At-risk bats in race against speedway for existence.
Calgary Herald article link

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Calgary Herald, May 13, 2024
Opponents of racetrack near Rosebud seek judicial review.
Calgary Herald article link

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CTV News Calgary, April 29, 2024
‘We’re not very happy’: Residents opposing proposed Alberta racetrack not giving up despite regulatory ruling.
CTV News link

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Global News Calgary April 27, 2024
Alberta farmers vow to keep up the fight against proposed motorsports park.
Global News link

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Calgary Herald August April 24, 2024
‘Just ridiculous’: Bid to halt contentious badlands motor racetrack near Rosebud crashes.
Calgary Herald article link

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The Globe and Mail, July 11, 2021
A racetrack, a songbird and the battle over the future of the Rosebud River Valley.
Globe and Mail article link

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February 24, 2021 CBC News
CBC News article link

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February 23, 2021 CTV News Video HERE and Report HERE

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CBC Presents “The Wild Canadian Year” watch episode Summer – the Rosebud River Valley’s Golden Eagles are spectacular. Airing Sundays on CBC at 8:00 pm beginning Sept 24, 2017. The Golden Eagles made their appearance on Oct 1, 2017 at 8:00 pm in episode “Summer”.  While much of the scenery is of Dinosaur Provincial Park, the rain storm is in the Rosebud River Valley.

Watch on YouTube

The Golden Eagles are showcased beginning at about 23:00 on the episode. The whole show is wonderful view!

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Alberta Wilderness Association Wildlands Advocate June, 2017 by Andrea Johancsik  “The river of many roses … or the river of many sports cars? see page 18.

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Brian Keating on CBC Radio’s Homestretch July 4, 2016. View Brian Keating’s biography HERE.
At the 3:30 mark Brian gives a great perspective on a racetrack in a pristine river valley.
Listen here

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Strathmore Times, August 12, 2016
Badland Motorsports: “noise won’t bother anyone” – (“The NIA (Noise Impact Assessment) doesn’t mention noise impact on wildlife …”)

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Strathmore Times, August 6, 2016
Badland Motorsports developer responds to Save the Rosebud Concerns – (“The EIA suggest a 1,000 meter setback from specified nests, April 15 to July 15. But Alberta’s Land-Use Guidelines require a 1,000 meter setback year round”)

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The Strathmore Standard, July 20, 2016
Letters to the Editor in Response to Emotions Rule

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The Strathmore Standard, July 6, 2016
Emotions Rule at Rosebud Meeting about Motorsports Resort

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June 28, 2016 (Please note: over 140 people were in attendance and the majority were from Wheatland County)
MLA Fildebrandt joins Rosebud fight against motorsports resort

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The Drumheller Mail, May 11, 2016 (be sure to scroll to the comments following the article)
Opponents to motorsports resort continue fight

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The Drumheller Mail, May 4, 2016 (be sure to scroll to the comments following the article)
Badlands Motorsports Resort submits plan for county approval

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Calgary Herald, June 6, 2013
Racetrack plan near Rosebud prompts environmental concerns

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The Drumheller Mail, June 12, 2013
Landowners oppose racetrack development in Kneehill

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The Three Hills Capital, June 19, 2013
Public hearing draws capacity crowd

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The Three Hills Capital, June 19, 2013
Ratepayers be aware of this

Please Take Action!


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to email the Premier copied to everyone below OR use the links below to send your own letters individually

The Premier
Premier Danielle Smith

Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz

Municipal Affairs Minister Rick McIver

MLA Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills Nathan Cooper

MLA Drumheller Stettler Nate Horner

Wheatland County Council Reeve

Kneehill County Council Reeve

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Save the Rosebud

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