Vital Watershed

vital_watershedThe Rosebud River watershed is vital to the improvement of water quality and maintenance of water quantity on the landscape. Wheatland County and Cows and Fish conducted a Rosebud River Riparian health survey (March, 2012) which concluded the overall management objectives for these environmentally sensitive areas should include non-use, ecological reserve and recreation to a limited degree.

The racetrack proposal contains a site and Stormwater Plan which involves filling in two wetlands, altering the habitat capabilities of the rest, and discharging into the Rosebud River. This set of wetlands are unique to the river valley and have functioned to maintain this excellent watershed and habitat historically. Pre-contact historical remains are proof of the site’s importance.

Alberta Wetland Policy 2015 (interim since 2013) places avoidance of wetlands as the top priority. A racetrack can be built elsewhere.

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Premier Danielle Smith

Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz

Municipal Affairs Minister Rick McIver

MLA Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills Nathan Cooper

MLA Drumheller Stettler Nate Horner

Wheatland County Council Reeve

Kneehill County Council Reeve

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